What Makes Facebook Brand Posts Engaging? [Research]

Facebook has grown to 2.23 billion monthly active users worldwide. In the U.S. 74% of people visit Facebook daily and spend an average of 58 minutes on the platform. Over 80 million businesses use Facebook pages and 97% say it is a significant part of their content strategy. Research results recently published in the Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising give us insight into what types of posts could be more successful on Facebook.

Facebook’s Problem

Many academic studies and real life cases have linked Facebook to business results. Yet, achieving these results has become more of a challenge as Facebook organic reach (total number of unique people shown a page post through unpaid distribution) has declined significantly. For example, average organic reach dropped from 16% in 2012 to 6% by 2014. For large brand pages organic reach dropped to an average of 2%.

Infographic: Facebook Is Pushing Brands to Pay for Reach | Statista You will find more infographics at Statista

Since then, Facebook has increasingly said that brand page organic or viral reach is more dependent on people sharing posts. Facebook continues to tweak it’s algorithm to prioritize content based on whether Friends are engaging (sharing, liking, commenting) with a brand page’s post before putting it in people’s news feeds. What can help increase organic reach?

There has been plenty of research telling marketers to use videos and live video in Facebook posts to increase reach. Yet not every brand can produce video content or go live for every post. There has been little study of the words used in a post. My research colleague Michael Coolsen and I set out to discover if the text of a Facebook post alone can make a significant difference in performance. If so, what type of post text should marketers use in their Facebook posts to increase shares and engagement to boost organic reach?

The Research

We developed a content analysis of Facebook brand post text to determine which variables contributed to increased shares, likes and comments – key factors in obtaining organic reach with Facebook’s news feed algorithm. We partnered with social media metrics firm Unmetric to collect a random sample of 1,000 Facebook brand page posts. We wanted to know what type of text increases shares, likes, and comments. We also wanted to know if the number of brand page fans impacted those results.

Through a pretest and a main test we coded 18 variables including post type (link, photo, status update), number of characters, number of words, number of hashtags, number of links, number of brand mentions, new/now, promotion/price, contest/sweepstakes, social cause/corporate social responsibility (CSR), events, celebrity, question, exclamation point, call to action, fan content/user generated content (UGC), time/date, and education.

The Results

Our findings can be seen in the table below. What was most surprising to us is that promotion/contest, social cause/CSR, and education posts showed no significant results – content types that have been promoted as being best practices for increasing engagement. In fact, education posts had a significant negative impact on likes and comments. In all variables the number of page fans from thousands to millions did not change results.

Brand Facebook Posts by Text Content Type (number of fans did not impact results)

Type of Post Shares Likes Comments
New/now Increase No effect Increase
Time/date Increase No effect No effect
Education No effect Decrease Decrease
Promotion/contest No effect No effect No effect
Social cause/CSR No effect No effect No effect

What Does This Mean?

With these results it may be worth reconsidering your content marketing and social media marketing strategy. Marketers have been told to create content of value and educational posts seem to fit under that category. Promotions, contests and social cause messages have also been said to draw interest. What is happening? The difference here may be the specific channel.

Perhaps people are on Facebook to interact with friends and family and keep up to date on timely, new messages. To them Facebook is low-involvement distraction. They are not scrolling through their feed to learn. Educational posts may perform better on a channel like LinkedIn. This stresses the importance of having different strategies and content optimized not only for the target audience but also for the the social media channel.

Promotions and contests may draw one person’s interest to respond themselves, but not enough to share to get into other people’s newsfeeds organically. Similarly, corporate social responsibility messages may be important for a person to know, but unless it is a crisis, it may not be important enough to share for viral reach. These types of posts may need to be Facebook ads.

Summary of Findings

  • Facebook brand posts using words indicating something new (now, introducing, etc.) produce higher shares which can boost organic reach.
  • New/now Facebook brand posts produce higher comments increasing engagement which can boost organic reach.
  • Facebook brand posts that indicate a specific time, date or deadline produce higher shares which can boost organic reach.
  • Educational Facebook brand posts decrease likes and comments reducing engagement which could reduce organic reach.

What does this look like in real examples? Below are three brand posts from the study that included new/now, time/date, and educational messages. As you can see the PlayStation post had both a new/now and time/date  message and performed the best of the three. The M&M’s post had a time/date message and had significant shares. The XFINITY post was an educational post and received very limited engagement.

What Do You Think?

Do these results surprise you? How would you explain them and how might they change your thoughts on social media strategy? For details on the study including the background research and theories considered see the full  article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising on October 29, 2018, available at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10641734.2018.1503113

To get started on your own social media campaign including Facebook Ask These Questions To Ensure You Have The Right Strategy and follow these additional Best Practices For Social Media Content That’ll Improve Your Writing And Design.

337 Tools and Resources to Improve Your Social Media Strategy.

Top List of Social Media Strategy Tools for 2019

Social media success begins with strategic planning. Too often we jump into social media without a broader strategy or simply keep doing what we’ve done in the past on the same social channels we opened years ago. Now is a great time to review current efforts. In Social Media Strategy and the article “Fix Your Social Media Strategy by Taking It Back to Basics” I suggest a five step process for developing a social media plan:

  1. Situation analysis (target market, social media audit, business objectives)
  2. Develop key insights and a big idea (create engaging content of value)
  3. Select social media channels (add and subtract for target and big idea)
  4. Integrate with other business functions and traditional marketing
  5. Link business objectives to social media metrics (then budget, schedule and run)

To create, execute, measure and optimize this social media plan you’ll tools and resources. This list of 337 tools and resources can help in each of these steps for Social Media Monitoring & Metrics (55), Online Data Collection & Analytics (61), Social Media Content Creation & Data Visualization (80), Social Content Scheduling & Automation (38), and Social Media & Digital Media Research (20).

Click here for an updated list of tools & resources.

To further your knowledge of social media I have also included a list of relevant social media Trade Associations, Awards, Conferences, sources for Social Media News & Insights (29), Social Media/Marketing Podcasts (18), and Social Media/Digital Marketing Training & Certifications (21).

Top List of Social Media Strategy Tools for 2019

Social Media Monitoring & Metrics

  1. Agora Pulse (social media management tool): www.agorapulse.com
  2. Agora Pulse Free Tools (Facebook barometer, Twitter report card, Facebook page contests): agorapulse.com/free-social-media-marketing-tools
  3. Audiense (Twitter analytics): audiense.com/twitter-analytics
  4. Brandwatch (social listening and analytics): brandwatch.com
  5. Brand24 (social media monitoring): brand24.com
  6. Buzzsumo (content analytics): buzzsumo.com
  7. Cision (social monitoring and analytics): cision.com/us/products/ps-social-software
  8. Clarabridge (customer experience management and analytics): www.clarabridge.com
  9. Crimson Hexagon (social media analytics): crimsonhexagon.com
  10. Critical Mention (media monitoring): www.criticalmention.com
  11. Google Alerts (monitoring): google.com/alerts
  12. Hootsuite (social dashboard, scheduling, reporting): hootsuite.com
  13. How Socialble (social media monitoring): howsociable.com
  14. HYP3R (location based social listening): hyp3r.com
  15. Iconosquare (analytics and management): iconosquare.com
  16. Klear (influencer marketing platform): klear.com
  17. Likealyzer (Facebook page analysis): likealyzer.com
  18. Lithium (social media management): lithium.com
  19. Meltwater (social media monitoring): meltwater.com/
  20. Meltwater Impact (free content report): impact.meltwater.com
  21. Mention (social media monitoring): mention.com/en/media-monitoring/social-media-monitoring-tools
  22. Netbase (social analytics): netbase.com
  23. Nielsen Social (social content ratings): www.nielsensocial.com
  24. NUVI (monitoring, analysis, reporting): www.nuvi.com
  25. Oktopost (B2B social media management): oktopost.com
  26. Oracle Social Cloud (listening, analytics, engagement): www.oracle.com/us/solutions/social
  27. Podium (customer messaging and review platform): podium.com
  28. Reputology (review monitoring and management): reputology.com
  29. ReviewTrackers (online review management): reviewtrackers.com
  30. Rival IQ (social media analytics): rivaliq.com
  31. Salesforce: Social Studio (listening, publishing, engagement): marketingcloud.com/products/social-media-marketing/social-studio
  32. Simply Measured (social analytics): simplymeasured.com
  33. Social Bakers (social media management): socialbakers.com
  34. Social Blade (social media statistics): socialblade.com
  35. Social Mention (real-time search and analysis): socialmention.com
  36. Social Searcher (real-time social search): social-searcher.com
  37. Socially Devoted Meter (analyze response rate): socialbakers.com/resources/socially-devoted
  38. Social Studio (enterprise social media management): salesforce.com/products/marketing-cloud/social-media-marketing
  39. Spredfast (enterprise social media management): spredfast.com
  40. Sprinklr (unified customer experience mangement): www.sprinklr.com
  41. Sprout Social (social media management): sproutsocial.com
  42. SumAll (social media automation): sumall.com
  43. SumoRank (analyze best Facebook page content): sumorank.com
  44. Sysomos (social media management, analytics): www.sysomos.com
  45. Talkwalker (social analytics and monitoring): talkwalker.com
  46. Talkwalker Social Analytics Search (track campaigns and hashtags): talkwalker.com/social-media-analytics-search
  47. Trackur (social monitoring and sentiment analysis): www.trackur.com
  48. TrueSocialMetrics (social media analytics): truesocialmetrics.com
  49. Twitonomy (Twitter analytics and monitoring): twitonomy.com
  50. Viralwoot (social scheduler and analytics): viralwoot.com
  51. Visible Measures (video monitoring and analytics): visiblemeasures.com
  52. Unruly (social video insight): unruly.co
  53. Yext Free Location Scan (location data analysis): yext.com/blog/2016/05/grow-business-free-location-scan-app
  54. Zoho Social (social media management): zoho.com/social
  55. Unmetric (social intelligence and analytics): unmetric.com

Online Data Collection & Analytics

  1. Alexa (website statistics and analysis): alexa.com
  2. Bottlenose (data analysis): bottlenose.com
  3. Chartbeat (content intelligence and analytics): chartbeat.com
  4. Comscore (cross-platform measurement): comscore.com
  5. Conversion Fly (online tracking): conversionfly.com
  6. Cyfe (all-in-one dashboard): www.cyfe.com
  7. Datarama (cross channel analytics/insights): datorama.com
  8. Delmondo (Snapchat analytics): delmondo.co/snapchat-analytics-software
  9. Drip (e-commerce marketing automation): drip.co
  10. Facebook Insights (Facebook analytics): facebook.com/help/search/?q=insights
  11. Facebook Page Cost Calculator (Facebook ad cost tool): shiftcomm.com/facebook-page-cost-calculator
  12. Foursquare Analytics: enterprise.foursquare.com/solutions/analytics
  13. Google Analytics (website analytics): www.google.com/analytics
  14. Google Analytics UTM Tracking URL Builder (online tracking): chrome.google.com/webstore
  15. Google Tag Manager (tracking): www.google.com/analytics/tag-manager
  16. Google Tools (online data analysis): www.thinkwithgoogle.com/tools
  17. Google Trends (real-time online search analysis): www.google.com/trends
  18. GRYTICS (Facebook Group analytics): grytics.com
  19. IBM Watson Analytics (data AI): ibm.com/analytics/watson-analytics
  20. Instagram Insights (Instagram analytics): blog.business.instagram.com/post/145212269021/new-business-tools
  21. iSpionage (online competitor research): ispionage.com
  22. Keyhole (real-time hashtag tracker): keyhole.co
  23. Keyword Tool (keyword research): keywordtool.io
  24. Kiss Metrics (behavioral analytics and engagement): www.kissmetrics.com
  25. Klout (social sharing and impact measurement): klout.com
  26. Kred (influence score and platform): kred.com
  27. Leadpages (landing page creator, opt-in tools): leadpages.net
  28. LinkedIn Analytics: linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/4499
  29. ManageFlitter (Twitter tools and analytics): manageflitter.co
  30. Moz Open Site Explorer (Inbound link tool): moz.com/researchtools/ose
  31. New Share Counts (Twitter share counts tool): newsharecounts.com
  32. Nexalogy (discover social conversations): nexalogy.com
  33. Omgili (discussion, news, blog search): omgili.com
  34. Origami Logic (data analysis/insights): origamilogic.com
  35. Pinterest Analytics: analytics.pinterest.com
  36. Quantcast (website audience measurement): quantcast.com
  37. RiteTag (trending hashtags): ritetag.com/hashtag-search
  38. Ruzzit (trending videos, stories, and images): ruzzit.com
  39. SearchMetrics (enterprise content marketing): searchmetrics.com
  40. SEMrush (online competitive intelligence): www.semrush.com
  41. Serpstat (SEO tool/platform): serpstat.com
  42. SharedCount (track URL shares and likes): www.sharedcount.com
  43. Shopping Insights (online shopping trends): shopping.thinkwithgoogle.com
  44. SimilarWeb (website stats and analytics comparison): similarweb.com
  45. Snaplytics (automated story publishing and analytics): snaplytics.io
  46. Social Searcher (social media search): social-searcher.com
  47. Soovle (search suggestions): soovle.co
  48. Tableau Your Data (data analysis/visualization): tableauyourdata.com
  49. TrendKite (PR analytics): trendkite.com
  50. Trendspottr (real-time viral content, influencers): trendspottr.com
  51. Tweetreach (Twitter analytics): tweetreach.com
  52. Twitter Advanced Search: twitter.com/search-advanced
  53. Twitter Analytics: analytics.twitter.com
  54. Ubersuggest (keyword suggestion tool): ubersuggest.io
  55. UVRX (social search): uvrx.com/social.html
  56. WordStream (keyword tool): wordstream.com/keywords
  57. Yoast (SEO tool): yoast.com
  58. YouGovProfiles (media planning, audience segmentation – UK): yougov.co.uk/profiler#
  59. YouTube Analytics: www.youtube.com/analytics
  60. YouTube Trending: www.youtube.com/feed/trending
  61. Visio Sparks (Social media counts checker): visiospark.com/shared-counter

Social Media Content Creation & Data Visualization

  1. Accelerated Mobile Pages Project (create fast web pages): www.ampproject.org
  2. Adobe Kuler (color tool): color.adobe.com/create.color–wheel
  3. Animaker (animated video tool): animaker.com
  4. ANIMOTO (video creation tool): animoto.com
  5. Answer the Public (content ideas tool): answerthepublic.com
  6. BeLive (live streaming video software): belive.tv
  7. BIGVU (video creation tool): bigvu.tv
  8. Bot Builder (set up and manage conversations): https://recast.ai/bot-builder
  9. Botletter (create Messenger newsletters): botletter.com
  10. Camtasia (screen recording/video editing): techsmith.com/video-editor
  11. Canva (design tool): www.canva.com
  12. Chartbuilder (create charts): quartz.github.io/Chartbuilder
  13. Chhirp (record audio for Twitter): cordproject.co/chhirp
  14. Compressor by Pitchengine (automated social post creation): c.tiny.pr
  15. Crello (design tool for social posts): crello.com
  16. Curalate (visual commerce platform): curalate.com
  17. Datawrapper (create charts and maps): datawrapper.de
  18. DesignEvo (create custom logo designs): designevo.com
  19. DesignWizard (online graphic design software): designwizard.com
  20. Easelly (infographic tool): www.easel.ly
  21. Ecam (live video production): ecamm.com
  22. Emotional Marketing Analyzer (headline improvement): aminstitute.com/headline
  23. Enhance (social image creation): hootsuite.com/products/mobile-apps
  24. Facebook Creative Hub (create Facebook ads): facebook.com/ads/creativehub
  25. Fastory (social story creation): fastory.io
  26. Free Stock Photo Sites (updated list of free social images): blog.Hootsuite.com
  27. Funnelytics (free digital marketing funnel mapping): funnelytics.io
  28. Gifs (gif maker): gifs.com
  29. Good Data (business intelligence tool): gooddata.com
  30. Google Data Studio (data visualization): datastudio.google.com
  31. Google Fonts: www.google.com/fonts
  32. Google Image: images.google.com
  33. Grammarly (proofreading and editing): grammarly.com
  34. Headline Analyzer (optimize headlines): coschedule.com/headline-analyzer
  35. Hemingway Editor (improve writing): hemingwayapp.com
  36. Infogram (create charts, maps, graphics): infogram.com
  37. Knowem (username and trademark database): knowem.com
  38. LibreStock (free stock image search): librestock.com
  39. Loomly (social media calendar and publishing): loomly.com
  40. Lumen5 (social video creation): lumen5.com
  41. ManyChat (bot builder for Facebook Messenger): manychat.com
  42. MetaShort (custom social links): metashort.co
  43. Microsoft Bot Framework (build and manage bots): dev.botframework.com
  44. Namechk (check usernames and URLs): namechk.com
  45. NodeXL (social analysis and visualization): nodexl.codeplex.com
  46. Opal (marketing collaboration platform): workwithopal.com
  47. Over (social image, type, graphic tool): madewithover.com
  48. Pexels (CC0 photos): pexels.com
  49. Phonto (add text to photos): phon.to
  50. PicPlayPost (multiple media story creation): www.mixcord.co/partners/picplaypost.html
  51. Pictaculous (color pallet generator): pictaculous.com
  52. PicMonkey (photo editing, design): picmonkey.com
  53. Piktochart (infographic maker): piktochart.com
  54. Pixlr (photo editing): pixlr.com
  55. Placeit (create mockups): placeit.net
  56. Content Idea Generator (title maker): portent.com/tools/title-maker
  57. Power BI (business intelligence): powerbi.microsoft.com
  58. Promo (video creation): slide.ly/promo
  59. Recite (visual quote creator): recite.com
  60. Relay (resize, remix designs across social): relaythat.com
  61. Ripl (animated video creation): ripl.com
  62. Rocketium (create Buzzfeed style videos): rocketium.com
  63. Screncast-O-Matic (screen recording): screencast-o-matic.com
  64. Smartmockups (create product/post screen shots): smartmockups.com
  65. Socialab (LinkedIn network visualization and analysis): socilab.com
  66. Spark (create graphics, web pages, stories): spark.adobe.com
  67. Stencil (social media image creation): getstencil.com
  68. Story Slicer (edit social video): storyslicer.us
  69. Streamlabs (video streaming software): streamelements.com
  70. Studio (add layers to photos): madewithstudio.com
  71. Tiny PNG (image compression): tinypng.com
  72. TwistedWave (audio editor): twistedwave.com
  73. Tweetroot (create Twitter word clouds): rubbledev.com/app/tweetroot-for-twitter
  74. Typito (video creation): typito.com/go
  75. Typorama (social graphic creation): apperto.com/typorama
  76. Unsplash (free license photos): unsplash.com
  77. Videolicious (automatic video creation): videolicious.com
  78. vMix (live streaming video production): vmix.com
  79. Word Swag (add text to photos): wordswag.co
  80. Zapier (integrate apps to automate tasks: zapier.com

Social Content Scheduling & Automation

  1. Adobe Experience Manager (cross-channel content management): adobe.com/marketing-cloud/enterprise-content-management.html
  2. AdStage (paid marketing reporting and automation): www.adstage.io
  3. Alltop (news and information aggregator): alltop.com
  4. Bitly (link management platform): bitly.com
  5. Buffer (schedule and track social posts): bufferapp.com
  6. Contentgems (content discovery): contentgems.com
  7. ContentStudio (content discovery and management): contentstudio.io
  8. CoSchedule (cross-channel marketing calendar): coschedule.com
  9. dlvr.it (automated social posting): dlvr.it
  10. DrumUp (content curation tool): drumup.io
  11. Edgar (social media automation and scheduler): meetedgar.com
  12. Flipboard (content curation tool): flipboard.com
  13. Google Programmatic (automatic online ad buying): thinkwithgoogle.com/programmatic-guide
  14. Google Photos (free photo storage): google.com/photos
  15. IFTTT (cross-app task automation): ifttt.com
  16. Later (schedule Instagram posts): later.com
  17. List-O-Matic (list management): accessify.com/tools-and-wizards/developer-tools/list-o-matic
  18. MissingLett_r (automated social campaigns): missinglettr.com
  19. Nuzzel (newsfeed, curation): nuzzel.com
  20. OptinMonster (auto lead generation): optinmonster.com
  21. Outbrain (native ad platform): outbrain.com
  22. PixelMe (URL shortener and retargeting): pixelme.me
  23. Post Planner (content recommendations): www.postplanner.com
  24. Scoop It Content Director (content marketing automation): scoop.it
  25. Short Stack (create contests, giveaways, landing pages): www.shortstack.com
  26. Slack (team collaboration): slack.com
  27. SocialOomph (social discovery and automation): www.socialoomph.com
  28. Social Warefare (WordPress social sharing automation): warfareplugins.com
  29. Tailwind (Pinterest/Instagram discovery and scheduling): tailwindapp.com
  30. Thunderclap (synchronize crowd social): thunderclap.it
  31. Tint (social content aggregator): tintup.com
  32. Twittimer (schedule cross-platform social posts): twittimer.com
  33. TweetBot (Twitter client): tapbots.com/tweetbot
  34. TweetDeck (Twitter client): tweetdeck.en.softonic.com
  35. Uberflip (B2B content creation): uberflip.com
  36. Woodbox (create contests, giveaways, campaigns): woobox.com
  37. Zapier (automate workflows across apps): zapier.com
  38. Zendesk (social customer service system): www.zendesk.com

Social Media & Digital Media Research

  1. Adobe Digital Index (research on digital marketing): cmo.com/adobe-digital-index.html
  2. Affinio (audience interest analysis): www.affin.io
  3. Facebook IQ (consumer and ad insights): facebook.com/iq
  4. Forrester (social media research findings): www.forrester.com/Social-Media
  5. Gallup (social media research reports): www.gallup.com
  6. Global Web Index (consumer survey data insights): www.globalwebindex.net
  7. IBM Watson Analytics for Social Media (holistic view of consumers, market, competitors from millions of online sources): ibm.com/marketplace/cloud/social-media-data-analysis/us/en-us
  8. Interbrand Best Brands (global ranking of brands): interbrand.com
  9. IRI Worldwide (predictive analytics and big data AI) iriworldwide.com
  10. Kantar Media SRDS (insights for media planners and buyers): srds.com
  11. Millward Brown BrandZ Reports (global brand equity ranking): millwardbrown.com/brandz
  12. Nielsen Social Media Reports (social media research reports): www.nielsensocial.com
  13. Pew Research Center (US social research reports): www.pewinternet.org
  14. Roper Center (public opinion research): www.ropercenter.uconn.edu
  15. Simmons (consumer survey research): simmonssurvey.com
  16. Social Explorer (easy access to US demographic data): www.socialexplorer.com
  17. Social Media Collective (social media research reporting): socialmediacollective.org
  18. Statista (research statistics portal): www.statista.com
  19. Think With Google (online consumer research insights): thinkwithgoogle.com
  20. YouGov BrandIndex (brand perception ranking): brandindex.com

Trade Associations, Awards, Conferences

  1. Brand Innovators (marketer conference): brand-innovators.com/events
  2. Content Marketing World (content marketing conference): www.contentmarketingworld.com
  3. INBOUND (content marketing conference): www.inbound.com
  4. INTEGRATE (IMC conference): imc.wvu.edu/integrate
  5. Online Media Marketing Awards (online marketing awards): www.mediapost.com/ommaawards
  6. Social Media Marketing World (social media conference): www.socialmediaexaminer.com/smmworld
  7. Social Media Strategies Summit (social media conference): socialmediastrategiessummit.com
  8. Social Media Week (social media conference): socialmediaweek.org
  9. Summit (customer experience conference): summit.adobe.com/na
  10. SXSW (new media/technology conference): sxsw.com
  11. SXSWedu (conference and competition): sxswedu.com
  12. The Webby Awards (Internet awards): www.webbyawards.com
  13. The Shorty Awards (social media awards): shortyawards.com
  14. The Mashies (digital awards): mashable.com/mashies
  15. Word of Mouth Marketing Association: womma.org

Social Media News & Insights

  1. Amy Porterfield (online marketing expert): amyporterfield.com
  2. Australia ACCC (social media regulation – Australia): accc.gov.au/business/advertising-promoting-your-business/social-media
  3. Chris Brogan (online marketing expert): chrisbrogan.com/blog
  4. Christopher S. Penn(online marketing expert): christopherspenn.com
  5. Jeff Bullas (online marketing expert): jeffbullas.com
  6. Canadian Competition Bureau Guides (social media regulation – Canada): www.competitionbureau.gc.ca
  7. Content Marketing Institute (content marketing experts): contentmarketinginstitute.com/blog
  8. Convince & Convert (social media experts): www.convinceandconvert.com
  9. FTC Disclosures (social media regulation – U.S.): www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/ftcs-endorsement-guides-what-people-are-asking
  10. Gartner Digital Marketing (digital marketing experts): blogs.gartner.com/digital-marketing
  11. Grow (social media expert – Mark Schaefer: www.businessesgrow.com
  12. Hubspot’s Inbound Hub (content marketing experts): blog.hubspot.com
  13. ICPEN Guidance (social media regulation – international): icpen.org/initiatives
  14. Marketing Profs (digital marketing experts): www.marketingprofs.com
  15. Mashable Social Media (digital marketing news): mashable.com/social-media
  16. RazorSocial (social media experts): www.razorsocial.com/blog
  17. Scott Monty (digital marketing expert): scottmonty.com
  18. Social Media Examiner (social media experts): www.socialmediaexaminer.com
  19. Social Media Explorer (social media news): www.socialmediaexplorer.com
  20. Social Media Lab (weekly social media experiments): agorapulse.com/social-media-lab
  21. Social Media Marketing Magazine (social media news): www.smmmagazine.com
  22. Social Media Today (social media news): socialmediatoday.com
  23. Social Mouths (social media experts): socialmouths.com/blog
  24. Social Media Law Bulletin (social media law insights): www.socialmedialawbulletin.com
  25. The Digital Garage (online learning): digitalgarage.withgoogle.com
  26. UK CMA Guidance (social media regulation – UK): gov.uk/government/publications/online-reviews-and-endorsements-advice-for-businesses
  27. YouTube Video Creators (YouTube video expert): www.youtube.com/videocreators
  28. WOMMA Code of Ethics (social media ethical guidelines): womma.org/ethics
  29. WOMMA Free Resources (social media regulation guidelines): womma.org/free-womm-resources

Social Media/Marketing Podcasts

  1. Amy Porterfield: amyporterfield.com/category/podcast
  2. Behind the Numbers: An eMarketer Podcast: emarketer.com/Article/Behind-Numbers-eMarketer-Podcast
  3. Buffer Podcast: buffer.com/podcast
  4. Content Inc.: contentmarketinginstitute.com/content-inc-podcast
  5. The Content Experience: convinceandconvert.com/podcasts/shows/content-experience-show
  6. Experience This!: convinceandconvert.com/podcasts/shows/experience-this
  7. Influence Pros: convinceandconvert.com/podcasts/shows/influence-pros-podcast
  8. Marketing Marvels: convinceandconvert.com/podcasts/shows/marketing-marvels-podcast
  9. Marketing Smarts Podcast: www.marketingprofs.com/podcasts
  10. Social Media Examiner: www.socialmediaexaminer.com/tag/podcast
  11. Social Media Lab by Angora Pulse: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/social-media-lab/
  12. Social Pros Podcast: convinceandconvert.com/podcasts/shows/social-pros-podcast
  13. The Art of Paid Traffic Podcast: rickmulready.com/category/aoptpodcast
  14. The Business of Story: convinceandconvert.com/podcasts/shows/business-of-story-podcast
  15. The Full Monty: scottmonty.com/p/podcast.html
  16. The Marketing Book Podcast: www.artillerymarketing.com/marketing-book-podcast
  17. The Marketing Companion: businessesgrow.com/podcast-the-marketing-companion-2
  18. This Old Marketing: contentmarketinginstitute.com/pnr-with-this-old-marketing-podcast

Social Media/Digital Marketing Training & Certification

  1. Adobe Software (Certifications): training.adobe.com/training/courses
  2. Academy of Influencer Marketing (courses): education.traackr.com
  3. Bing/Yahoo! Ads (Certification): advertise.bingads.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/training
  4. Blogging University (WordPress): dailypost.wordpress.com/blogging-university
  5. Cision (Certification & Accreditation): cision.com/us/resources/university-program
  6. Code Academy (free coding classes in HTML, CSS, JAVA, Sass, Python, etc.): codecademy.com
  7. Constant Contact Social Media 101: blogs.constantcontact.com/social-media-quickstarter
  8. Conversion Marketing (Certification): Leadpages: convertedu.com/courses
  9. Facebook Blueprint (Certification): facebook.com/blueprint
  10. Google Partners (Adwords Certification): support.google.com/partners
  11. Google Analytics Academy (Certification): analyticsacademy.withgoogle.com
  12. Hootsuite Academy (Certification): hootsuite.com/education
  13. HubSpot Academy (Certification): academy.hubspot.com
  14. Lynda (Learn Software from Adobe Creative Cloud to Google Analytics): www.lynda.com
  15. Meltwater (Certification): Coming Soon … www.meltwater.com
  16. Microsoft Dynamics 365 (Certification): microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365
  17. Professional Certified Marketer – Digital Marketing (Certification): ama.org/events-training/Certification/Pages/digital-marketing-certification.aspx
  18. Salesforce Trailhead (Badges and Certification): trailhead.salesforce.com Or academic-alliance.salesforce.com/business-specialist
  19. Snapchat Explore (Certification): forbusiness.snapchat.com/blog/introducing-explore/
  20. The Trade Desk Trading Academy (Certification): thetradedesk.com/products/thetradingacademy
  21. Twitter Flight School (Badge): twitterflightschool.com

What to do with these tools? First, ensure you Ask These Questions To Ensure You Have The Right Strategy and follow these Best Practices For Social Media Content That’ll Improve Your Writing And Design.