Beyond AI Bans: An End of Year AI Integration Pep Talk for Educators.

AI image showing a university professor burning AI inspired by the book Fahrenheit 451.

In December 2022, my first experience with AI was using ChatGPT to write a blog article about social media marketing. I’d been practicing and teaching social media for over a decade, yet ChatGPT wrote an impressive and scary good article in less than a minute – something that may have take me hours!

How did you feel after your first use of ChatGPT? Since then I’ve had ups and downs with Generative AI. From full embrace and cautious integration to dystopian fear and overt avoidance. It’s been a long journey, but I’ve learned much along the way.

The end of the year is a time for reflection.

What I find I need at the end of a long hard year is a pep talk. Anyone else? December alone gifted us “12 days of OpenAI” and major updates from most AI companies like Google, Anthropic, Perplexity, Meta, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, and xAI. I’m still processing what happened in Fall classes and have just two weeks to update courses for Spring.

I can relate to what AI expert Marc Watkins says in his latest Substack,

“I need a reset. Truly, we all do. For the past two years, educators have been asked to reevaluate their teaching and assessments in the wake of ChatGPT, adopt or refuse it, develop policies, and become AI literate. Except generative AI isn’t a normal or novel development within our field of study we can attend some conferences or webinars to understand its impact to keep up with it. None of this has been normal…”

University faculty are woefully behind.

I’ve accomplished much since Fall 2022: Two books, four research articles, three conference presentations, a top teaching paper award, and multiple AI presentations to professionals and faculty. Yet, negatives have me losing sight of the positives.

This fall my LinkedIn feed felt full of posts and comments about how far behind university professors are in AI. I know critiques are valid. In my first adjunct appointment in 2009, a media professor still didn’t teach the Internet because “it was a fad.” Like any profession dinosaurs exist.

University faculty are leading AI adoption.

However, the profs I mostly interact with are working hard to learn and keep up. For every head-in-the-sand professor, there are plenty trying to keep their heads above water with the pace of AI change. My workload has increased with AI not decreased.

So it’s hard to read comments that generalize us all as behind and advocate for replacing us with AI teaching agents. The profs I follow, like Ethan Molick and Marc Watkins, aren’t just teaching but innovating AI in education and their professional disciplines.

Professors are old and boring.

Despite many more positive comments and evidence of grads excelling, human tendency is to focus on the negative. Years ago, I got a student comment,

“I can’t believe someone old enough to be my dad is teaching social media.”

Another student once told me I need to update my headshot because I don’t look like the website photo anymore. Then there’s the student who said my voice is monotone and boring. Ouch! Despite being in the minority, those comments still hurt and I have trouble forgetting them years later.

Professors have wisdom from experience.

Does age equate to being behind? I have a much bigger picture of the world and have lived through many waves of tech advancements. I’ve also spent nearly two decades practicing marketing and now a decade researching and teaching it. A week ago I received this comment from a student’s internship report,

“My academic background in marketing, particularly courses in social media marketing and digital, laid a solid foundation for this internship. Concepts learned in these courses proved instrumental in creating effective social media posts. Without these courses, my social content would have not been as effective or efficient.”

Great right? Yes, but I still struggle to get the negative out of my head. I know I’m not auditioning for America’s Got Talent, I’m an educator not an entertainer, so why can’t I let it go? Human brains have a negative bias. We all tend to engage, emphasize, and focus on the negative – something social media algorithms take advantage of to keep us scrolling.

So thanks to the grad from two years ago who recently gave me a LinkedIn shout-out for my project management software and HubSpot certificate integrations preparing him well. I also appreciate the student graduating this Spring who has had two internships and has already been hired into her dream sports marketing job. She thanked me for what she learned in my digital marketing and other classes to get her there.

We need grace, humility, and confidence.

Constructive criticism is key to learning and advancement, but you also can’t take it too much to heart. You’ll either be so discouraged you give up or you’ll become too timid to experiment for fear of the negative. I am in that moment right now.

I apologize to students and professionals in my field for the ways I was behind in AI advancement or days I wasn’t always engaging. Hopefully, there is room for grace. I’m also humble enough to take the things I can improve upon and implement them in this short window before next semester. To do this I need a boost of confidence.

So this is a pep talk to those profs and professionals who don’t have their head in the sand. You’re trying to keep your head above the water. I’m striving for humility to learn from critiques, grace for my failings, and confidence to head into the Spring semester – with the audacity to teach digital and social media marketing in my early 50s.

AI image showing a university professor burning AI inspired by the book Fahrenheit 451.
AI image generated using Google ImageFX from a prompt to show a university professor burning AI inspired by the book Fahrenheit 451.

We need to be more human, more bold.

Speaking of audacious. It’s the motivation for my main article image generated by Google’s ImageFX. My prompt? Show a university professor burning AI inspired by Fahrenheit 451. My human fireworks is to not become replaced by AI teaching agents or young YouTubers selling top 10 strategies for social media success. Marketing thought leader Mark Schaefer inspired the image saying,

“AI has helped create a marketing pandemic of dull. It’s not your fault. Your company probably rewards you for being boring. You’re Google-sufficient and optimized. They’re trying to keep you in their box. But the AI bots are coming. You need to do something, and you need to do it now. It’s time to unleash the HUMAN fireworks in your content. There is no choice. You need to be audacious.”

Thanks for leading us to the future Mark (someone older than me). This is my audacious post that couldn’t be written by AI. AI can’t explain what it feels like to be a professor at this moment or a professional fearing their job loss. AI can’t know what it is to fear its own adoption or know what it is to have grace, humility, and confidence. Google’s AI Overview did give me a nice definition though,

“A state of being confident in one’s abilities while also acknowledging limitations and approaching situations with kindness and respect.”

In bold confidence we also need caution.

While we have no choice in adopting AI, we have a choice in how. Human agency still exists. I don’t want to make the mistakes we made with social media. Have you read Haidt’s book, The Anxious Generation?

Between my period of AI avoidance (pushing off meetings with faculty development) to AI embrace (agreeing to a 5 part AI integration workshop), I created a framework and process to strategically apply AI.

“Move fast and break things” may have helped develop AI, but I’d rather not. A benefit of academia I didn’t have in the fast-paced ad agency world is time for reflection. Marketing success is based on frameworks and processes. I needed that for integrating AI. The result was my summer AI blog series:

  1. Artificial Intelligence Use: A Framework For Determining What Tasks To Outsource To AI [Template]
  2. AI Task Framework: Examples of What I’d Outsource To AI And What I Wouldn’t.
  3. AI Prompt Framework: Improve Results With This Framework And Your Expertise [Template].
  4. More Than Prompt Engineers: Careers With AI Require Subject Matter Expertise [Infographic].
  5. Joy Interrupted: AI Can Distract From Opportunities For Learning And Human Connection.

How I integrated AI in Fall classes.

Coming out of summer I went through every class and assignment to specifically look for places where I felt AI would be helpful for student learning and where it would not. I tried AI for tasks in my assignments and shared what I found with students.

Example of how I gave students specific ways to use AI for one assignment.
Example of how I gave students specific ways to use AI for one assignment.

Each assignment had an AI section giving students specific aspects of the assignment to use AI and how. There was no general ban, but also no OK for all-out use. Using AI for everything shortchanges the learning process as the infographic below illustrates.

This graphic shows that in stages of learning you go through attention, encoding, storage, and retrieval. You need your brain to learn this process not just use AI for the process.
Click the image for a downloadable PDF of this graphic.

I also had a consistent general AI statement on my syllabi (see below). I directed students on when and how to cite AI, and what AI to use with links and directions to use it. I sent them to Copilot for convenience and financial considerations as all students had access to GPT-4 and DALL-E 3 free with their university Microsoft 365 account.

Beyond AI-specific uses in assignments, I had a general AI use policy.

I cautioned about AI copyright issues. I also didn’t want them using AI to complete an entire assignment – why I use TurnItIn’s AI checker. I never used it solely, but academia isn’t the only one using AI detection. A digital marketing professional guest speaker last term told students they use AI in many ways but use AI detectors for their writers. If a client is paying for human-created content, they want to ensure it.

Student uses of AI in assignments.

AI helped students brainstorm and express their ideas. Groups in Integrated Marketing Communications created campaigns for brands like Qdoba. In a class with few graphic design or art students, DALL-E through Copilot enabled them to create customized storyboards of their TV ads and YouTube bumper ads.

A custom storyboard for the Qdoba student team's IMC campaign using DALL-E via Copilot.
A custom storyboard for the Qdoba student team’s IMC campaign using DALL-E via Copilot.

We talked about AI content being great to sell ideas but there may be copyright issues publishing it. There’s also a potential consumer backlash as highlighted in recent Adage articles and Harris Polls.

Example Copilot prompt to find social media influencers.
Students used Copilot to find influencers for their brand social media projects following the prompt framework below.

In social media marketing, students used AI to generate variations of social content captions. Our social media simulation requires many organic posts that must vary for engagement and reach (as with real social posts). Students wrote the main message but let AI create versions to word counts for each social platform. For a brand’s social strategies, they used AI to research influencers, get hashtag ideas, and create images to mock up brand social media posts.

I also taught them prompts to get better results. Using the prompt framework below got me and my students much better results. I heard from colleagues at other universities who are using this framework for their students and getting better results as well.

AI Prompt Framework Template with 1. Task/Goal 2. AI Persona 3. AI Audience 4. AI Task 5. AI Data 6. Evaluate Results.
Click the image to download a PDF of this AI Prompt Framework Template.

What’s to come for the new year?

In my next post, I’ll share my plans for the Spring. Recent AI developments have opened up more possibilities. I’ll explain how I’m using NotebookLM as an AI tutor for one class. I’ll share how I’m going beyond Copilot to leverage new AI capabilities in Adobe Express and Google’s ImageFX.

I’ll also get deeper into new multimodal capabilities of AI with videos exploring live audio interactions in NotebookLM’s Audio Overview and a demonstration of live video conversations with Gemini 2.0 as it “sees” what‘s on my screen.

Banning AI and being behind in AI is the furthest from my mind. I want contribute to how AI can and should (or should not) advance marketing practice and teaching to better prepare us all for the AI revolution.

What have been your struggles and successes with AI?

100% Human Created!

Social Media’s Growing Wellness Trend: What Does It Mean For Social Pros and Social Profs?

This is a graph showing a stead increase in the search term "social media wellness" since 2012.

I taught a social media strategy class this summer and I was surprised to find most students were not very active on social media personally. At first, I was stunned. This was a social media class after all. Would you take a film class if you didn’t watch movies?

After getting to know the students I found two reasons for this inactivity. It was a graduate course with a mix of older professionals and younger students right out of undergrad in our 4+1 MBA program. The older professionals never really got into social media. The younger students deleted personal accounts like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat for negative personal effects.

To see if this was unusual, I posted on a social media professor’s Facebook group asking if other instructors saw this in their classes. The number of responses indicate it’s not unusual. Most professors notice students backing away from personal social media use and mention reports of people limiting social media to focus on wellness.

This is a graph showing a stead increase in the search term Google searches for Social Media Wellness have increased since 2012.


Focus On Social Media Wellness Is Increasing.

Social media apps have faced increasing scrutiny for their negative effects on youth. It’s been a year since the U.S. Surgeon General issued an advisory on youth mental health and social media. This fall an increasing number of U.S. schools are Implementing student cellphone bans amid a mental health crisis and decreased learning. I instituted tech limits in my classes after the pandemic due to negative learning outcomes.

A recent article from Very Well Mind shared the news that TikTok is adding automatic 60-minute daily time limits for users under 18. This may not be surprising considering the recent scrutiny over teen social media use. What was interesting is that the article also posed the question, “Could everyone benefit from similar time limits?”

The article makes a good case for restrictions citing a study from the Journal of Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking which found people who stopped using social media (Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram) for a week had significant improvements in their anxiety, well-being, and depression. The average age of study participants was 30.

Very Well Mind interviewed Jamilia Jones, a clinical therapist who says, “By learning to set boundaries on the time and energy we invest in scrolling through our feeds, we can potentially reduce feelings of anxiety, depression, and loneliness often associated with excessive social media consumption.”

Limits Can Help Users Maintain A Healthier Work-Life Balance.

In full disclosure, I had particular trouble writing this article because I kept feeling drawn to check my social media. That Facebook group and my LinkedIn. I’ve been posting about AI recently which has sparked a lot of conversation. I wanted to see if anyone else has Liked or commented.

Ex-Facebook president Sean Parker has admitted that Facebook was developed with the objective: “How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?” This led to features such as the “Like” button to give users “a little dopamine hit.” Parker continued, “It’s a social-validation feedback loop … exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology.”

Some return to social media to see how many Likes a post, picture or video got to feel good. Others, turn to social for news or to fill time but find themselves “doomscrolling” as algorithms serve up more negative content because it keeps us engaged. This can lead to anxiety, depression, and isolation. That’s the bad. But there’s still plenty of good.

What If Your Job Is Social Media?

Social media still has many positive personal benefits. It is also a driver of business for large companies and local pizza shops. We need social media professionals and I teach students how to become them. How do you strike a balance between professional social media use while guarding against negative personal social media effects?

Boundaries to consider are social personal use, professional use (career), and company use (posting for a brand). It’s easy for these to bleed together when all are accessed anytime, anywhere from the same device. Social media professionals specifically report having a hard time with work-life balance.

We’ve talked about the negative health effects from social media, and social media professionals spend the most time there. The field is changing all the time so there’s pressure to keep up and it’s hard to leave work at the office when social media is 24/7/365. Emma Brown at Hootsuite suggests several ways to avoid social media burnout.

Ways to avoid social media burnout:

  • Set boundaries. Have social media–free time. Turn off work streams after work.
  • Give eyes a rest. Eye strain can lead to irritated eyes, neck and back pain, plus can cause headaches.
  • Get up and move. Walk (without your phone) regularly for mental and physical health breaks.
  • Get some sleep. Sleep (without devices) is healthy and makes you more productive.
  • Structure time. Assign parts of your day to specific activities (one-hour blocks).
  • Delete apps. Make your phone a personal device. Manage brand social on a laptop.
  • Digital detox. Take digital free time off for a night or weekend to recharge.

Do You Have To Be Personally Active On Social To Be A Social Media Professional?

This question got the most responses in the social media professors group. Some clearly say that you can’t make students be on social media even for a social media class. But others make a strong point that you can’t be a social media marketer without knowing what it is like to be on social media.

Companies used to want to hire college students to run their social media because they knew grew up spending their time on social media personally. I worried that they didn’t know enough about the business side of marketing strategy. Twelve years after I began teaching social media strategy we may see the opposite.

Today students could be studying social media marketing but limiting personal use or even deleting social media apps. A survey of 18-to 27-year-olds found significant regret over social media use. While 52% said social media benefited their lives, 29% said it harmed them personally. In fact, about half of Gen Z wish TikTok (47%) and Twitter/X (50%) were never invented.

What about current social media pros? Do they need to be active on every social platform to do their job well? Or can they run social media business accounts on platforms like TikTok and Twitter/X but not have their own account to limit personal exposure?

What Does All This Mean?

I’ve been teaching social media marketing for over a decade, have created social media campaigns for clients, and have a social media marketing book. I have benefited from social media personally and professionally. I’m obviously not recommending deleting or banning social media. But I think it’s obvious we need more balance.

I resisted having AI write this article, but I did turn to Copilot for some ideas on how to find more balance in our social media use. I think the suggestions are a good beginning.

An image of suggestion that Copilot had for balancing social media use by setting boundaries, using technology like screen time, prioritizing real-life relationships, curating your feed, and mindfulness.
Copilot doesn’t use social media, but has good suggestions for us to manage our social media use. Generated with AI (Copilot) ∙ September 6, 2024 2:30 PM

Have you seen the social media wellness trend? What does it mean for you personally and professionally whether you are a social media pro or a social media professor?

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